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- 艾思祺(Seegee AYE)教授系列讲座
- 2017-09-18
- 来源:语言文化学院
- 作者:郭东芳
- 编辑:宋冰滢
- 阅读次数:
第一场讲座主题:英美国家历史到各期流行歌曲VS英语教育提要:从歌曲中领略美国历史、爱尔兰历史、新西兰历史;福斯特的人文主义,学习英语短文的文风,听力训练;黑人灵歌的特点,一个世纪来的美国流行歌曲变迁,对象:语言文化学院教师时间:9月21日下午2:00—3:30地点:综合楼7层,语言文化学院同传实验室第二场讲座主题:英美国家音乐与文化视听说(中英双语)提要:从歌曲中领略英美历史,澳大利亚、夏威夷文化;听力训练;黑人灵歌的特点,二次大战中的反战歌曲, 美国早期民歌,百老汇歌曲的特点。对象:2017届艺术类研究生时间:9月21日18:00—20:00地点:1教101教室第三场讲座主题:英美国家文化之旅:英美国家流行歌曲欣赏与英语学习提要:从歌曲中我们领略:爱尔兰,苏格兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,威尔斯文化历史;美国流行歌曲的变迁,黑人灵歌特点,50年代摇滚歌曲;歌曲的听力训练。对象:本院在校生时间:9月23日14:00—15:00地点:科技报告厅
艾思祺(Seegee AYE)教授,毕业于香港浸会大学,曾留学加拿大,先后在蒙特利尔Sir George Williams 大学和Concordia大学取得数学硕士学位和艺术学士学位(主修电影辅修音乐),并长期在Dawson College 和Champlain College任教数学。早在上个世纪80年代,即从事国际音乐和电影交流活动:如参与香港影片《秦俑》制作,与蒙特利尔国际电影节主席罗西克先生合办《中国电影回顾展》。从本世纪开始在中国教学期间,艾思祺结合互联网,经常做系列音乐讲座,长期来一直受到广大音乐爱好者的欢迎。2016年,艾思祺教授完成了600页巨著,SONGS AS A PART OF ENGLISH CULTURE,由国内顶级音乐理论家、教育家廖乃雄作序,从英美国家歌曲入手,独特的视角挖掘英美国家语言、历史、文化,不但具有音乐、文化价值,对英语教学作用非凡。实属国内首创。本次来网上现金棋牌平台举办三场讲座,即针对师生们教学所需,开拓视野,机会难得。英文简介参考Seegee Aye was born in Shanghai and educated in Hong Kong and Canada. Having received 4 degrees including a BFA in Cinema and Music, Prof. Aye started teaching Mathematics in Canada and held the post for 26 years before taking an early retirement and teaching in China. Though teaching Mathematics is his profession, he had been receiving music education since early age and never stopped involving music activities, for examples, playing string quartet in Hong Kong Batist University and the violin in Concordia University Symphony Orchestra in Canada, taking a part of Montreal International Music Competition (Piano, Violin and Voice) and offering music lectures to music lovers on the net in China.His late book published last year SONGS AS A PART OF ENGLISH CULTURE seriously explores the integration of songs into the English language education.Learning a language is actually to approach a foreign culture of which songs are a part. The public including students and teachers of our schools is more or less indulged in pop culture, American pop songs.The book tries to offer a new direction, a new look to the traditional songs, songs with cultural value, music value which are more important to English teachers. As a language teacher, you don't have to like them, but you must know them. The book is highly praised by the top music scholar Liao Naixiong (廖乃雄)because this book is the first of that kind in China, and it is very important for English language learners and particularly for English teachers.
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